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May 12, 2009

Neighborhood Improvement Advisory Council
City of Salem
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 12, 2009
7:00 pm

Members in Attendance:  Jim Moskovis (Chair), Michael Coleman, Rosemary O’Connor, Jim Rose, Stan Franzeen, Shirley Walker, Lucy Corchado, Ana Gordon
Members not in Attendance:  Meg Twohey, Patricia Zaido, Leslie Limon
City Staff:  Jason Silva, Tom Watkins
Public:  Pat Libertie, Scott Weiseberg, Beverlie McSwiggin

The group introduced themselves and identified each neighborhood group they belong to.  Meeting minutes for the April meeting were reviewed and approved as amended.  

Public Comment
Jim opened up the public comment period.  

Resident Beverlie McSwiggin voiced her concerns on the proposed amendments to the City’s Sunshine Ordinance.  Tom informed her that the proposed ordinance changes still need a second passage vote by the Council to be formally approved.  He said he will speak to Councillor Joe O’Keefe, who chaired the Sunshine Ordinance Sub-Committee, to see if and when the sub-committee plans to reconvene to discuss any public concerns with the changes.  Tom will let Beverlie and the NIAC members know of this meeting.  Beverlie was also concerned that no members of the public were invited to join the sub-committee.  Tom stated that the meetings were publicly posted (both in the City Clerk’s Office and the City website) and open to the public.  Beverlie said she will attend their next meeting and report back at the next NIAC meeting.  

Beverlie also asked who is paying for the asbestos cleanup at the 15 Peabody Street Park site.  Lucy stated that the City is working with the Commonwealth on funding ideas for the cleanup.  Shirley wondered if there is a concern for airborne asbestos contamination.  Jason will look into this and will provide all group members with any updates he can.  
Public Comment period closed.  

Boston Street Issues
Jim recently spoke with Ward 4 Councillor Jerry Ryan and said that the drug issues he was concerned with are being addressed by the City and Police Department’s CIU Unit.  Jerry and Jim will also be meeting with Jason about the future design issues for Boston Street.   

Haunted Happenings Update
Jason stated the Haunted Happenings Committee met earlier this week.  Members included bob McCarthy, Stan Franzeen, Michael Coleman, Jerrie Hildebrand, Jenn Bell, Rinus Oosthoek, Kate Fox, Christian Day, himself, Ellen Talkowsky, Mayor Driscoll, event planner Joe Gold and reps from CBS Radio.  Three ideas presented to the committee by event planner Joe Gold were an Octoberfest, a popular family oriented band at the Essex/Washington Street intersection and a Presidential Showcase.  The committee really liked the idea of the presidential showcase.  Jason stressed that plans are very preliminary.  Stan stated that he would still like to see the City do an arts-related event/theme during Haunted Happenings.  Shirley stated that she would like to have a representative of the Downtown Neighborhood Association present at these meetings.  Jason said he will talk to Kate Fox about this.  


Election of New Officers
Jim Moskovis was voted in again as Chair of NIAC.  A nomination for Michael Coleman to be Vice Chair was made by Jim Moskovis and the nomination was seconded by Lucy Corchado.  The nomination carried unanimously.  

Future Meeting Topics
  • Boston Street issues
  • All current construction projects
  • Bike Path plan and Committee work
  • Condemned properties
  • Destination Salem Tourism Guide and general tourism issues
Jason asked for group members to email both him and Tom any other ideas they may think of.  

Other Business  
 Jim recognized resident Scott Weiseberg as the new Chair of the City’s No Place for Hate Committee.  

Rosemary shared pictures with the group on work that inmates from the Essex County Penitentiary have been doing in and around Mack Park.   

Meeting Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm